Happy new year

IMG_4853This year I’m going to by-pass the review of the previous year’s blog content because I’m sure you’ll have noticed there was not a lot of content on the blog apart from fresh from the oven posts. I’m also not going to make any promises or resolutions to blog more in 2013 because I’ve been keeping a secret. 2013 will be a year of big changes, as myself and my husband are expecting our first baby in April.

My husband has taken over a lot of the cooking since September. Today though I started the year off well by cooking us a delicious chorizo and bean stuffed chicken (from Gordon Ramsey’s ultimate cookery course) alongside some homemade flat breads. The food was delicious and I enjoyed the time in the kitchen. If I was making new years resolutions it would definitely be to get back to cooking and baking bread more but I’m going to take the year as it comes. Happy new year everyone!

2 thoughts on “Happy new year

  1. Pingback: Fresh from the oven January 2013 | Purely food

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